If you want to play poker and win, then you need to know the basics. There are a lot of factors that can help you when it comes to playing poker, but knowing some basic tips will definitely get you started in the right direction.
- Learn Proper Poker Etiquette
You don’t have to be a millionaire or billionaire to be able to play poker. The key is to learn proper etiquette so that everyone wins. For example, if you’re playing Texas Hold ‘Em, never touch another player’s cards. This includes looking at their cards, as well as touching them. Some players will not like this, and will get upset, which could ruin your game. If you’re playing Omaha 8 or Omaha Hi-Lo, it’s important to keep up with blinds and stack sizes, rather than letting other players affect your hand. If you’re playing for tournament money, make sure that you don’t let your emotions get the best of you!
- Know Your Hand Types
Most people think that they only have one type of hand, such as pocket pairs or a straight draw, but there are actually seven different types of hands. You should always look at your opponent’s hand before deciding what kind of bet to make. Knowing your opponents’ tendencies will help you figure out whether to fold, call, raise or reraise.
Here are the most common hand types:
- Straight Flush – A hand consisting of five consecutive cards in sequence from ace through king. These are very rare, but if you find yourself holding one, it’s worth trying to improve it into something better. A royal flush is also known as a full house, and is considered the strongest possible hand in poker.
- Four Of A Kind – Four cards of the same suit. It’s easy enough to tell if you have four of a kind, because all the cards will be the same color. However, you may have a pair and three single cards that form an unbalanced hand. To determine if this is the case, take a peek inside each card. If you see three black suits (spades, hearts, diamonds) and one red suit, then you’ll have a balanced four of a kind. If the opposite is true, then you’ll have a good chance of improving your hand by betting or raising instead of folding.
- Full House – Two pair plus a third card. This is the second highest level of hands in poker, just behind a straight. Full houses are quite strong, especially since they can have two different kinds of pair. One pair is a high pair, and the other pair is a low pair. In addition to being able to tell if you have two pairs, it’s also important to know if they’re suited or unsuited. Unsuited pairs are the weak ones, while suited pairs are the stronger pairs. Suited pairs include deuces (two 2s), threes (three 3s) and fours (four 4s). Unsuited pairs include sixes (six 6s) and eights (eight 8s)
- Flush – Any five cards of the same suit. If you get a flush, this is the highest level of hands in poker. A flush means that every card in your hand has been the same suit, meaning that you’ve got a royal flush. Royal flushes are extremely difficult to achieve, as they require both a low and a high pair. A flush can also consist of three single cards. It doesn’t matter how many cards there are, as long as they’re all the same suit. For example, a flush of 5s, 9s, 10s, Js and Qs would be a royal flush. It’s possible to improve a flush into a full house. If you have a low pair, and a pair of deuces, then you’d have a full house.
- Three Of A Kind – Three cards of the same value. This is the lowest level of hands in poker, and can be improved upon into higher levels. The easiest way to improve this hand is to add a fourth card. As long as the first three aren’t matched, you’ll have a winning hand. However, you should note that if you get a fourth card that matches one of the other three, then you’ll end up with a lower hand. Therefore, it’s best to avoid having a fourth card match any of the others, even though it’s tempting.
- Two Pair – Two pairs plus a third card. Two pair is the next highest level of hands in poker, after three of a kind. Two pair consists of two pairs of cards that are not all the same. For example, if you have a high pair (a pair of queens) and a low pair (a pair of deuces), then you’ll have a two pair. If you have a high pair and a single card, then you have a high pair on top of a straight. Two pair is the weakest of the possible poker hands. Even though it’s the lowest level of hands, it’s still worth getting a good two pair, as it can be improved into a full house or flush.
- One Pair – Just one pair of cards. If you have a pair, then this is the lowest level of hands in poker. If you have exactly one pair of cards, then you have a bad beat. You can try to improve this hand with a third card, but it’s unlikely that you’ll do much better than a pair. The best thing to do with a pair is to check your opponent’s hands, and hope that he/she has a worse one.
- Be Aggressive With Your Betting
The way that you bet determines how aggressive you are. You should use more aggression when you’re ahead, and less aggression when you’re behind. When you’re ahead, you should bet more aggressively because you’ll want to minimize your losses, so you’ll want to bet big. When you’re behind, you should bet less aggressively, as you’ll want to maximize your profits. Always remember this rule when you play poker.
- Know Your Chances At Winning
When you start playing poker, you should always assume that you’ll lose the game. Don’t get too excited about winning or losing, as you may become emotionally involved in the game. Instead, just focus on the fact that you’ll either win or lose the game, no matter what you’re doing. It’s important to understand your chances of winning because it will allow you to make better decisions. If you’re a beginner, then you should probably stick to small bets. Once you get more familiar with the game, then you can start making bigger bets. Eventually, you’ll be able to make bets that will put you in the lead.
- Play Regularly
Playing poker regularly is important because it helps you develop your skills. If you don’t practice, then you won’t improve. Playing regularly also allows you to build confidence, and it gives you the opportunity to experience success. By playing often, you’ll be more confident in your abilities, and you’ll be more likely to take risks. Playing frequently also lets you enjoy the process of learning new things, which makes it easier to stick to the game. Finally, playing regularly will also help you develop strategies for beating your opponents.
These are the basics of poker, which will hopefully help you win at the game. Now that you know the essentials, you’ll be ready to start playing in tournaments!

My name is Johnny L. Walker & I am the author of this Casino blog. I love to write blog posts around casino sites & I always try to share my knowledge with my readers so that they can always earn extra income & make the most out of their game. Thanks for visiting my blog!