Bingo is one of the most popular games in online casinos. With over a billion dollars in bingo revenue every year, it’s no wonder why.
The popularity of bingo has grown over the years thanks to its simple yet entertaining set up. The game consists of five main parts:
The Board Game
The board game is where you will find all your numbers. You can choose how many cards you would like to play with by clicking on “Play” in the top right-hand corner of the board game screen. Then click on “Create New Card.”
You also have the option to shuffle the cards if you want to make a new game or to start from scratch.
In the bottom left-hand corner of the board game, you’ll see a timer. This shows how much time is left for the game. As you play, this timer will decrease so that you know when you need to stop playing (which is when you win). When you’re ready to stop playing, click on the red X in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. This will end the game. If you don’t click on the X within 30 seconds, then the game will automatically end.
The Cards Game
When you create a card, you can change the number, letter, and color of the card. Here are the different options available for each type of card:
- Number: Choose between 1 through 90.
- Letter: Choose between A through Z.
- Color: Choose between Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, White, Black, Orange, Pink, Grey, Brown, and Gray.
- Special Number: Choose between 0 through 9.
- Special Letter: Choose between 0 through 9.
Once you’ve chosen what kind of card to make, click on “Add Card” at the top of the screen. Once you’ve created your card, you can add it to your current game by clicking “Choose Card” in the lower left-hand corner of the screen.
Betting Chips Game
To place a bet, just select how much money you’d like to wager per game. Click on “Place Bet” to do so. When you’re ready to take your chips back, click on “Withdraw Chips” at the top of the screen.
Scoring Games
There are two scoring screens in the game. One is used for the first round of games, and the other is used for the second round of games.
On the first scoring screen, there is a grid of nine boxes. Each box represents one line in the bingo sheet. In the top row of the grid, there is a circle that says “1.” Next to the circle, there is a small red arrow pointing down. Clicking on this line will show you which numbers match the first digit of the winning bingo. (For example, if the winning number was “7,” then the line in the first row that matches the 7 would be highlighted.)
Next to the seven, there is an upward sloping green arrow. Clicking on this line will reveal which lines match the next digit of the winning bingo. For example, if the winning number was “7,” then the line in the second row that matched the 7 would be highlighted.
This process continues until the last digit of the winning bingo is revealed in the same way. Once you’ve found the winning bingo, you’ll notice three dots underneath the winning number. These represent the numbers that were covered during that round of bingo. To cover a number, just click on the highlighted dot.
Now let’s look at the scoring screen for the second round of games. Here, you’ll see the same grid as before but slightly altered. Instead of only having nine rows, there are now 12 rows.
In addition to the circles and arrows, you’ll notice another item in the middle of the grid. It looks like a cross made out of diamonds. Clicking on these diamonds will reveal either the letters B or G, depending on whether you’ve won a black or a green bingo.
If you have a bingo, then you’ll see a green checkmark underneath the number. If you don’t have a bingo, then you’ll see a red X instead.
How to Play Bingo Online
Before you begin playing any bingo games, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of the game. There are four main types of bingo games:
Single-digit bingo: Here, you are given a list of numbers and asked to fill them in. If you get a full house (or a combination of five matching numbers), then you win.
Double-digit bingo: Same as above except you are given a list of numbers and asked to fill them in. If you get a full house, then you win.
Triple-digit bingo: Same as above except you are given a list of numbers and asked to fill them in. Your goal here is to get a full house, triple bar, or straight line.
Five-number bingo: This game asks you to pick five numbers. The goal is to complete a full house (or a combo of five matching numbers), triple bar, or straight line.
You can also play bingo online using a random number generator. Just follow these steps:
Click on Create New Card. You’ll see the same screen as above.
Type in the numbers that you want to use for the random bingo. For example: 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56.
Check the box next to Random.
Your browser will ask whether you’d like to continue by clicking on “Continue.”
Once you decide you want to play, click on Continue. You’ll see a screen similar to the one you saw at the beginning of this guide.
Pick how many cards you want to play with by checking the box next to How Many Cards Do You Want? Click on Play Now.
After the game begins, your computer will generate numbers for you to call. Each number is generated randomly. When you hear your call, try to find the corresponding bingo numbers on your card. If you get a full house, then congrats! You win!
If you don’t get a full house, then you’ll move onto the next round of the game. Once you’ve played through all the rounds, you’ll come out victorious when you’ve gotten a full house, triple bar, or straight line.
Playing bingo requires patience and concentration. But once you learn the ropes, you’ll be able to enjoy playing bingo without getting frustrated.

My name is Johnny L. Walker & I am the author of this Casino blog. I love to write blog posts around casino sites & I always try to share my knowledge with my readers so that they can always earn extra income & make the most out of their game. Thanks for visiting my blog!